
Sharon Explicitly Unedited

Put Your Pants on Last (and other small tweaks to make working at home work for you)

A few quick and dirty tricks to showing up at your best online Recently, I have been receiving emails about working from home, mostly from people who have been working from home for a while. I am included in this lot. What I have not gotten from these emails are some...

Penny Tompkins & James Lawley on Questions, Quests, and advanced Clean Facilitator training happening January 2022

Ready To Come Clean? · Penny Tompkins & James Lawley on Clean Convergence 2022 SUMMARY KEYWORDS modeling, clean, symbolic, client, learning, quest, model, convergence, training, developmental, working, penny, modelers, question, james, experts, moment, language,...

Clean Language Un-conference: Metaphorum 2021

Thank you for being here and your interest in the upcoming Metaphorum 2021. Metaphorum is an unconference created by Judy Rees as a way of supporting the blossoming Clean Community and providing a shared space for any and all of us to discuss, learn, connect, and...
Hipsters Got It Going On!

Hipsters Got It Going On!

It's like a revival. Read or listen - as you please. I’ve been thinking a lot about social media and what seems to be major move towards doing everything online and, ya know…I’m not sure about the on-line-ness of the future. When I was a kid reading sci-fi and as I...

Clean Coaching is Green Coaching

Clean Coaching is Green Coaching

I was in a small health food co-op the other day and on my way out I saw a local green directory titled Solstice. I looked at the book, paused, walked out the door, then turned around walking back in and grabbing a copy for myself. What happened as I walked out the...