At the Clean Language Institute we are always curious…
…so we spend a lot of time asking questions, answering questions, learning new skills or honing existing ones, teaching and telling others about the power of Clean, and extolling the virtues of a better way to gain authenticity with dialog.
This is the place where you can find out what special “thing” we are up to next. Pop in your email address and we’ll always keep you in the loop <—metaphor intended.
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Clean Convergence 2020
Clean Convergence is an annual 4-track conference attracting leaders from all around the globe.
It’s everything you need to know about clean language all in one really beautiful place. Come to the central coast of California in January and fill your cup with Clean.
Three multi-day workshops, one 3-day retreat – this is your opportunity to train with world leaders in the Clean realm.
hosted by Sharon Small & The Clean Language Institute
January, 2020
San Luis Obispo, CA USA