
THANK YOU for seeking to contact Sharon Small and the Clean Language Institute.

We are happy you would like to know more and welcome all questions, opinions, both appreciation and criticism. Please keep in mind that while I, Sharon, try to reply to everyone who asks for a reply, due to the volume of email I receive that’s simply not always possible.

Before you email, please take a look at our guidelines below. Following them will greatly increase the chances that you get a personalized reply. Thank you!

When You Email:


LESS IS MORE. I love meeting and learning about new people, but I simply don’t have the time to read multiple long text every day. If you have a problem and/or question please feel free to just get straight to it. Generally speaking, the shorter your email, the more likely I am answer your question or inquire further with you as time allows.


If you’re seeking relationship or work advice, be sure to take advantage of our subscription offer. When you subscribe you get special goodies that are not available elsewhere. Plus the email shows up no more than twice a month, never more than that. You may find that asking just one or two clean questions can help you gain the clarification you are seeking. If not, please feel free to schedule a complimentary Clean Language Consultation where you and I can work on what you would like to have happen.


FEEDBACK is welcome and appreciated and please make it respectful and rational. Keep it to these elements: what is not working for you; how you are interpreting what you are noticing; how you might like it to be instead; and what difference you believe that will make to the success of our trainings, institute, and services.


If you are interested in mentoring or Clean Supervision I only take on a few new supervision clients at a time due to time constraints. You may click HERE to request an appointment by email or use the contact form below to let me know what you would like to have happen next.

Send A Message

I would like to contact:

5 + 5 =

Contact Information


The Clean Language Institute
Grants Pass OR USA
