
I talked with Penny Tompkins & James Lawley about their focus for their 3-day Enhancing and Integrating Your Symbolic Modeling Skills at Clean Convergence 2019.

In 2019 Penny & James will be presenting a program titled A Clean Approach to Working with Physical Symptoms and the Ecology of Systems.

“Metaphor is the natural language of physical symptoms and the process of healing. When clients explore the inherent logic of their metaphors and the system of which they are a part, they can discover ways to improve their well-being. Also, we can apply the metaphor of ‘healing’ from working with an individual as a system, to working with a family, team or an organization as a system of individuals. At the training will explore guiding principles, ethical issues, intentions behind problems, paying attention to the ecology of relationships – and more. You will learn through demonstrations and debriefs, guided facilitation, discussion and small group activities (with personal coaching).”

Clean Convergence is an annual program hosted each January by the Clean Language Institute and me, Sharon Small. We offer three different workshops as well as a 3-day self-modeling retreat for personal or professional development.

Penny and James bring their A-Game to each Clean Convergence at which they train. Here are some links to quick video testimonials from some of their fans from down under.

Roz is a professional mediator, media coach, and educator. She speaks briefly about how clean has helped her in both her personal and professional life


Greg is a professional coaching trainer. Greg speaks on the value he has found in his work with Penny Tomkins & James Lawley


Leona is a private therapist and coach. Leona speaks about her time with Penny Tompkins & James Lawley’s an a course on physical symptoms.


Sandy Hall is client director for HumanKind works in organizational development. Sandy recommends anyone in organizational development to work with Penny Tompkins & James Lawley.